Sydney is gorgeous. And she knows it....but not in a bad way. She exudes confidence, which is a rare find for most teenagers and something special to be had. Her mom rolled her eyes and laughed every time Sydney squealed "I'm cute!" after some sneak peeks from the LCD screen. I thought this was hilarious and I loved that she loved my pictures. I do this for those types of reactions.
We did the shoot at the always amazing Franklin Park. Sydney originally wanted to do the photos outside near the Spaghetti Warehouse...but unfortunately it was cold and rainy this past Thursday so we opted for the warmth and shelter of the conservatory.

See, I told you she was gorgeous!

Here I was asking her about her boyfriend...I got the cutest smile out of her:)

She wants to be a Buckeye!!!

And this one is just for fun, to show you how awesome this shoot was!
Thanks to Sydney & mom Wanda for spending the afternoon with me.