Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Raine & Denver | 9.18.09

Raine & Denver's wedding was as close to perfect as it could be. It was a gorgeous September day, with bright sun (not always the greatest for outdoor pictures...but I think we made it work!) and moderate temperatures. The Northpointe Conference Center in Lewis Center was a great venue for the wedding. It allowed for an evening outdoor ceremony followed by an indoor reception. And did I tell you how beautifully the reception was decorated? The paper lanterns made it look just like a scene from a bridal magazine!

The bride & groom actually found me just about a month ago through the bride's brother, Ryan. I've known Ryan for a couple of years now through mutual friends and he is such a great person. Lucky for me, when Raine & Denver's photographer fell through Ryan passed my name along to them.

I was so happy to be a part of their wedding. Their love just shines through in these pictures. Most of these pictures are all them when it comes to posing...I rarely had to prompt them:)

Thank you so much Raine & Denver...you will have a lifetime of happiness together!


  1. Eep! I love these Melissa! They are soooo good. I'm glad I got to see pieces of Raine's wedding! I haven't seen that girl in FOREVER. :)

  2. Melissa, these are incredible pictures! Thanks so much for posting so quickly. Can't wait to see more...
    Nikki Kington, The Conference Center at NorthPointe.
